Amstaff Major and Speciality show for Terriers

Finally, an event came, which we also experienced in Slovenia. On September 4, under the organization of Slovenian Terrier Club, the largest international special show for American Staffordshire Terriers – AMSTAFF MAJOR 2021 took place.

As many as 215 Staffords were registered and we have to admit, it is really the most beautiful thing to see so many staffords and breeders in one place, with whom we exchanged many words. Socializing with long-time connoisseurs of this breed was more than great and we really hope to meet some of them again at some similar events.

The event space was in the beautiful nature of Polhov Gradec. And we participated in the show in our kennel with our female ASKA LONG STEP.

In the “OPEN” class, where there were as many as 20 females, Aska did very well, as she was shortlisted for the 6 best female from all over the world and received the grade EXCELLENT. Unfortunately, she missed the podium, but given her tired condition, we are very pleased with the result that day and with the selection of Judge Helen Tonkson from Estonia.

On Sunday, 5.9. however, a special exhibition of terriers (FCI3) took place in the same area, where, in addition to other terriers from the third FCI group, as many as 107 American Staffords were registered. This time the group in the “open” class consisted of 12 females, and Aska really proved herself and showed her temperament in the ring, convincing the judge Richard Powell from the USA, and won an excellent 2nd place.


AMSTAFF MAJOR – 4.9.2021 Slovenia
Judge: Helen Tonkson, Estonia

Open Class: EXCELLENT/ close selection of 6 females out of 20

Polhograjski Dolomiti Terrier Show- 5.9.2021 Slovenia
Judge : Richard Powell, USA

Open Class: 2 / 12

Handler: Vladimir Bursać

Photo: Željko Novakov